What's most important to you?

Your family or your career?

Are you looking for the key to success?

Are you wanting to become rich?

Are you doing a balancing act and a juggling act between your home life and your career?

What's on your To Do List today?

We all know that it's necessary to work to provide for yourself and your family, but there is a huge difference between working and making your job or your career "your life".

What if you just "start living"?

Now your living! "This is the life"!


There's more important things!

It feels good to laugh doesn't it? I mean really laugh till it hurts!

By the way, call your folks!

Live life to the fullest because one day your sunset approaches!

Decide what's really important to you. It's your decision and one that you'll have to live with.

I hope you've made the right decision before these gates shut on you for good.

A friendly reminder: "The clock is ticking".

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