"Some men see things as they are and say....."Why?"
"I dream things that never were and say....."Why not?"

Why not live in peace?
Why not be our brother's keeper?
Why not care about each other?
Why not help each other?
Why not do only good things and not bad things?
Why not be the best person you can be?
Why not do at least one good deed a day?
Why not be a more happier and friendlier society?
Why not let a college education be free for all not just jocks?
Why not free health care for all?
Why not free public mass transit for all?
Why not build a car (all vehicles) that is fueled by water(H2O)?
Why not destroy all weapons not just weapons of mass destruction?
Why not build something more advanced than the space shuttle?
Why not a space vehicle with it's own source of power,
instead of a space plane attached to rockets?

87 Billion dollars spent for a war.
(Revised)When I first made this page that was the projected cost.
Since then they kept asking for more.
The cost has jumped by leaps and bounds.

Guess what that money could've been used for?
All of the above.
Dedicated to all those who dare to dream of a better way of life.

UPDATE: Or should I say STAR DATE January 14, 2004:
It looks like to me that President George W. Bush has read this page.
With his bold initiatives of scrapping the Shuttle fleet and coming up with a new space vehicle;
which is exactly what I've been calling for here.

Men landing on Mars? That's all well and good if it's safely and successfully done.
But, need I remind you why the Apollo Moon landings stopped?
It was because we wouldn't have been able to resuce the crew from the Moon had something
gone terribly wrong. The same still holds true about Mars.

Manned bases on the Moon? Well, let me ask you this, What happens if the machine
that's making and providing the oxygen supply breaks down?
The answer is: It's curtains for everybody up there.
These two things need to be seriously looked at before going any further with these two projects.
But, of course the Space Industry will be so Gung Ho as they always are
that these what ifs will materialize into what did.

Is this why we need to send man to Mars? To jump around?

Man should go to Mars for this. Take a good close look at those eyes.
Now, that's what I call...."My favorite martian". Hee Hee

Not to take these serious risks into account would be fool hearty.
It would become a job for risk takers willing to give up their life just for the adventure of a lifetime.

I don't think we want risk takers. We want to take out the risks as much as possible.
But, space flight itself is risky, not to mention trying to safely land and then trying to safely take-off
to return safely back to Earth.

It's full of risk which again is the reason why the landing on the Moon was stopped.
There was no way to save anyone.
Their lives would have ended on the Moon or in space.
Again, these people were risk takers, they knew the risks and accepted the risks.

Do they think for one moment that the deadly catastrophes that have befallen
the Shuttle crews has somehow made us Americans immune to such catastrophe
or tragedy that we would accept another deadly catastrophe or tragic accident?
Well, I vehemently say to you "Hell No" we're not getting immuned
to deadly catastrophes in our space missions and we sure the Hell don't want another one.

One more thing, why in the Hell would you want to send man to a place
that has no oxygen for him to breathe is beyond me.
It would be different if you knew the planet had oxygen so that you
would be able to breathe freely without any apparatus.
If the apparatus fails or stops working, then it's also curtains.
It seems ridiculous to me to send man to a place that doesn't have any oxygen.
If the spaceship stops providing the oxygen, it's also curtains.

I know I said one more thing, well let's make that two more things, shall we?
Here's the second thing, without water man will perish. He will suffer dehydration and die.
He will simply die of thirst. So, manned bases, really? Bases where there isn't any water?
Hhmmm sounds like Iraq. I jest.
I know we have bottled water here on Earth.
Does that mean we start shipping bottled water to the Moon.
Man, now there's a new business venture if I do say so myself.
Bottled water....get your bottled water here....only $1,000 per bottle.
Drink up.

Oh no! Man can't live without food either.
We'll need to send a ship the size of Starship Enterprise
with all the food rations that they will need for just one month.

Food here....get your hot dogs.....hamburgers....steaks....
Only $2,000 for a hot dog.....$3,500 for a hamburger.....and a whopping $10,000 for a steak.

Come to the Moon where your charged by the mile and then some.
Well, you don't want us to shut-off your supplies, now do ya?
So, pay up.

Oh yeah, we might as well get this understood right off the bat.
The cable companies here on Earth prohibit you from using Free Satellite TV.
The bill is on the way.

And finally, don't think you're going to get out of paying taxes either.
You Moon Walkers will pay taxes to Earth or else.
It wouldn't be wise to ask....
Or else what?....if you know what I mean.
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!

Good Luck and God's Speed.
Of course with God on your side, you don't need any luck.

That's my opinion on the subject.

BREAKING NEWS: NASA has lost contact with it's rover on Mars.

Imagine if you will, losing contact with the men we send to Mars.
That would be disasterous.

Look Ma! I landed safe and sound on Mars, this blasted camera better be working!

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