Once upon a time.....

There was this person that was so busy all of the time.
He/She was so wrapped up in his/her own life that he/she just didn't care about anyone else but him/her self.
For that matter, he/she would never even consider taking the time out of his/her busy day for anyone.

He/She didn't even know the neighbors living next door.
For that matter, wished that there wasn't any neighbors next door.

He/She never bothered to say, Hi or How you doing or Good morning.
He/She just acted as though you weren't even there.
He/She is just way too busy for such trivial matters and finds it to be nothing but a bother and a big waste of time.

Besides, once you start getting to know someone, then look out, they'll tell you all of their problems.
You'll get to know more than you need to know or want to know. And who wants that?
They'll take up all of your precious time and keep you from doing what you consider to be more important.

That's the way he/she thought and lived.
Then, one day, it was like a bolt of lightning came down from out of the sky.
He/She was like a totally different person altogether.

He/She realized for the first time that their job wasn't everything.
That there was more to life than work, work, work.

He/She walked around with a smile and had a kind word to say to everybody.
It became apparent to him/her what was truly important in life and what wasn't.

The moral of the story is:
You better make the most out of the time you have here on earth.
It should include being neighborly and helping your neighbor.
There is time for you and you and you.
Because when it is all said and done.....
You will be asked, How did you spend your time on earth?

The clock is ticking.

You still have time to come up with the right answer.

Author: SUPERMAN5775

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