In God We Trust

One Nation Under God

God Bless America

"In God We Trust" is stamped on our money or U. S. currency if you prefer.

"One Nation Under God" is found in our Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag.

"God Bless America" is a well known patriotic song, that you truly haven't heard sung with feeling unless you heard it sung by Kate Smith in my estimation. You have also heard many of our U. S. Presidents say, "May God Bless America" at the end of their speech. Surprising being that they are at the Top in government and surprising because of the course of events I am about to lay out for you.

But friends I am here to tell you if you don't already know it, for those that do, you are very wise to the facts and don't have to be informed on this subject. But your participation and your voice has to be heard.

There are people in this country that have waged a war against God. In Columbus, Ohio where the governor's mansion is located, there was inscribed on the walk an emblem which read "In God We Trust". Some people objected to that phrase being there and took it to court and the court ruled in favor of those few people. The court ordered that the "In God We Trust" inscription be removed. Even the Governor of Ohio fought to keep it there because it had been there for many years, but to no avail. The court said it had to go.

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania there is a plaque on the outside of the county courthouse for all to read (or not to read, the choice is yours) as you pass by that has the Ten Commandments inscribed on it. This plaque has been on this court house for a very long time. The plaque itself is a well known Pittsburgh landmark. Some people these days object to it being on the court house and have taken legal action in court, this case is still pending.

UPDATE: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania July 28, 2003
A Federal Judge rules that the Ten Commandments plaque on the county courthouse in Pittsburgh can stay.
In Pittsburgh God wins the Devil loses.
Read the good news for yourself and believe me there ain't near enough good news ever reported. Excuse the ain't, English teachers, it's just being used in this instance for more emphasis.
PITTSBURGH Judge Rules Courthouse Commandments Can Stay
The Ten Commandments will remain on an outside wall at the Allegheny County Courthouse. A federal judge ruled Monday the 85-year-old plaque can remain in place, despite efforts by two Pittsburgh atheists to have it removed. Judge Donetta Ambrose said the county wasn't promoting religion or favoring any particular denomination by leaving the Commandments posted on the Fifth Avenue side of the courthouse. Ambrose's decision mirrors a Philadelphia appeals court ruling that protected another plaque at the Chester County Courthouse. Officials for the group that represented the plaintiffs, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, say they are considering an appeal.

UPDATE: Sunday, August 24, 2003
The Devil is working overtime in Alabama.
Alabama Federal court rulings seem to differ from those in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Pennsylvania...that's the biggest problem when you have man making's never consistent and never perfect, whereas God's laws, you better believe are consistent and perfect and are handed out the same for everybody without exception.
Click on the link below for more news and information:

The Ten Commandments in Alabama

Do you know what sits at the top of the U.S. Supreme Court Building? Take a guess. How about you judges in Alabama, do you know? Time's up, I'm going to tell you....Moses holding the Ten Commandments tablets in his hands. Did you know that? Well, you know now. One more reminder, the President of The United States when he takes the oath of office says, "So help me God". Looks to me like there are alot of people needing God's help. Again, I say, I wouldn't mess with God if you know what's good for you.

UPDATE: August 25, 2003

You know, it's funny, we got terrorists around the world and in this country, that want to kill us Americans and would like nothing better than to wipe America off the face of the earth and here we are fighting amongst ourselves in this country about God's Ten Commandments.
That's right God's Ten Commandments, not Joe's up the street, not yours, not mine.....God's. You know I have to change that word up there 'funny' which was used sarcastically and fecetiously to it's downright sad. Yep, it's downright sad.
All I can say is you people who are doing this....look out when you come face to face with God. Oh, but I don't even think he'll give you that opportunity, perhaps he'll just let you go on thinking that there is no God and let you figure it out for yourself while you spend eternity in Hell.

Prayer has been taken out of the schools, and I'm not talking about one single solitary prayer that everybody had to say out loud. I am talking about your very own prayer that an individual was able to say to himself or herself silently with their head bowed. Each individual saying their own individual prayer silently and that was banned by the courts. This kind of prayer was known as a moment of silence in my school and was done right after saying the Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag before it was taken away from us. Saying a silent prayer was not hurting anyone, like I said there wasn't one prayer forced down our throats that we were told we had to say, you said your own prayer, your own way.

School was also the place where you and I were taught how we came into existence other than by God : like evolution from apes, the Big Bang theory, that we came from out of the sea, a more recent one gives credit to life beginning from an asteroid hitting the Earth and the chemical equation being just right. Everything was shoved down our throats and in our minds and yes in this instance this is where they did shove this down your throat and spoon fed you this garbage that we came from everything and anything but from God.

My own child came home from school one day after being told by the teacher that we come from apes and said to her parents that we were wrong about God and Adam and Eve. That her teacher said we come from apes. And that we must be wrong because naturally the teacher can't be wrong because the teacher after all is a school teacher that is highly educated and has the job of teaching all the children in school. So we were telling lies and the teacher was telling the truth. Well you can imagine how outraged I became, that a lifetime of proper teaching about God was wiped out by a school teacher teaching that we came from apes. And that my child was going to believe the teacher over her own parents. If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

The science community and it's scientists are another bunch that are trying to disprove the existence of God and for many times now with technology and new discoveries being unlocked have been playing God. But every time they try to disprove the Bible they are finding that all the things the Bible discloses are accurate. They now know and admit that they believe they have found Noahs Ark, that being just one example and there are many more, so many that it would take pages to list them all.

So, what's next? Removing "In God We Trust" from our currency? Removing "One Nation Under God" from our Pledge Of Allegiance? Banning the "God Bless America" song? Now there's one, ask yourself, how often do you hear this song anymore?

Yes, I tell you there is a war against God being waged by a select few people and by the courts. The courts ruled that nativity scenes cannot be displayed on government property at Christmas time. Christ has even been removed from Christmas. In my city they have renamed the "Christmas Season" to "Sparkle Season" just to ensure the removal of the reference to "Christ". Instead of saying Merry Christmas people are saying Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings.

These few people and the courts think they are winning this war against God, but they are sadly mistaken. Instead of asking God To Bless America, they better ask God To Have Mercy On Their Soul for having perpetrated one of the biggest crimes of all time, the removal of God and Christ from society slowly but surely.

If you ask me, they are fighting the wrong one, instead of fighting God they should be fighting the Devil and everything evil and satanic in the world. These people have their priorities all wrong, their time and energy would be best served to be on the side of God and to fight evil, fight the wrongs and injustices in this world. It's sad that they are wasting their time and energy fighting the wrong fight, not only is it sad, but it is a shame. You've got to ask yourself, just what are these peoples objectives and just whose side are they on anyway?

Perhaps it's not too late for them to see the light. One can only pray.

UPDATE October 10, 2001: My friends it's happening again a news report from Madison, Wisconsin the school board there is considering banning the Pledge Of Allegiance from being said in school because it makes reference to "One Nation Under God". Didn't I tell you that this is happening. I guess this is where I say, "I told you so". Another news report on October 11, 2001 states that the Madison, Wisconsin school board voted to ban the Pledge Of Allegiance because of "complaints from some parents" of the mention of "One Nation Under God" being in the pledge. The complainers are saying that the religious words don't belong in a public school. Instead of saying the Pledge Of Allegiance, they will play a "wordless", instrumental only, National Anthem.

Other than this one occurence, have you noticed since the attack on America that we are now turning to God more, seems that more people turn to God when things are at their worst and not when times are good. Have you also noticed all the people saying God Bless America and singing God Bless America now, again it seems this happens only when times are bad. Have you also seen and felt the super patriotic feeling for our country right now? All the American flags flying on cars and homes and office buildings, again, except for flying the flag on patriotic holidays, it seems like only when things are at their worst. Let's hope and pray that this continues and doesn't die out when times are good again, or is that too much to ask? One can only pray, hopefully you will pray too.

UPDATE JUNE 26, 2002: My friends it's happening again just like my site has forewarned all these many years...The Ninth Circuit Court in California rules that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional. Was I not right on the money with this page that I have created? Did I not tell you that these things are happening and that they will continue to happen unless we take a stand. Your voice is your congressman and your senator....write your congressman and your senator....let them know what you have to say....after all they represent us. "We the people". Make your feelings known with your have the ultimate power, you have the final say, not them. Let them know they'll be finding new work if they don't make the right decision. Don't sit idly by and watch freedom of religion be stripped away from us. You want the want the truth....then you've come to the right place. This is about to affect alot of you out there.

You know, I don't think that it's asking too much of any of you to do something for your God, your Heavenly Father, the one that gave you your very existence. In fact, when you think about it, it is doing something small, but will have such a large impact. You may even take it for granted because you do it every day and that is talk on the telephone or send a letter. Please voice your opinion, let yourself be heard and use the Freedom Of Speech that this great country of ours gives to each and every one of us.

You know, us folks that feel strongly about this issue, we are in the majority, we are a large voting block and this issue translates into votes or no votes for the politicians and they know that well. The judge in California may not know that but believe me the rest do. You know, this is a little reminiscent of the movie Miracle on 34th Street where the court was going to rule that there was no Santa Claus and what happened the court got deluged with letters from the Post Office. You know, we can do the same thing, only this time it will be real life instead of a movie and we'll be doing it for God. Talking about movies, remember the movie 'Oh God!' If not, refresh your memory by watching it again or see it for the first time depending on your age. God showed up in court himself to prove that he does exist. All God wanted was for somebody in the world to believe in him. Man how prophetic, look where we're at today. One can only get into the film makers head and determine that he must have recognized there was a problem beginning to happen with society even then.

Look folks, the saying goes "God and Country". As for me, I will choose my God first over my country. The saying doesn't go "Country and God". It's not country then God it's God then country. God doesn't give a you know what about what flag a country is flying down here, all of this down here is his and he will be returning to claim it and to reign here, there will be no more flags and countries. I choose God over any flag or any country. So either we remain "One Nation Under God Indivisible With Liberty And Justice For All" or they can just do away with the allegiance all together as far as I'm concerned because my allegiance won't be with any country, my allegiance is with God. When it comes to God or country, country loses everytime.

You think that S is something; it's nothing compared to G.

Praise God
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Let there be light


A Few Editorial Cartoons Below:

Good vs Evil
Whose side are you on?

Self Explanatory

Self Explanatory

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